What are engineering plastics?  

An overview of the various types of engineering plastics and their characteristic physical properties  

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1. Plastics: A brief introduction

Engineering plasticsエンジニアリングプラスチックとは、強度と耐熱性に優れたプラスチックの総称です。数値上だと一般的には、耐熱性が100℃以上あり、強度が49MPa(500kgf/㎠)以上、曲げ弾性率が2.4GPa(24500kgf/㎠)以上を持つ高機能樹脂を指します。

エンジニアリングプラスチックを知るにはプラスチックのことをまず知る必要があります。プラスチックは「鎖状高分子」という化学構造を持った物質です。chain polymers図1に示すように炭素原子が1,000個以上鎖状につながっており、炭素鎖は柔らかく、比較的自由に動くことが出来ます。ただし、分子が長くお互いに絡まっており、常温では単独分子が離れることはありません。high高温になると分子の動きが活発になり、やがて隣同士の分子の規制が効かなくなり、勝手に動き出します。高温になるとプラスチックが融け出すのはこのためです。

図1 鎖状高分子のイメージ  (出典:佐藤功 (2001) . プラスチック(図解雑学)Plastics: An Illustrated Guide ナツメ社、より作成)図1 鎖状高分子のイメージ 
(出典:佐藤功 (2001) . プラスチック(図解雑学)Plastics: An Illustrated Guide ナツメ社、より作成)

When plastics rupture or deteriorate in solvents, it is because their elongated molecules become separated from each other. However, the length of the molecular chains comprising typical plastics is sufficient to ensure that molecules tend not to separate under ordinary usage conditions.
These behavioral properties of chain polymers suffice to explain the most important features of plastics:

(1) Their strength and hardness are sufficient to withstand practical applications.  
(2) They are solids at room temperature.  
(3) At higher temperatures they melt and can be molded into nearly any shape.  

2. What are engineering plastics?

エンジニアリングプラスチックengineering plastics(エンプラと略して言われることが多い、以下エンプラと略記する)はプラスチックの中で、特に高性能なものを言います。高温になっても溶融しにくく、溶剤に侵されにくくするためには、分子鎖を動きにくくする必要があります。そのための方法はコラム1に示すようにいろいろありますが、エンプラでは主に鎖の中に炭素以外の原子(図2ではXとして示している)を入れることが一般的です。C-X結合はC-C結合より分子運動が起きにくく、融解温度が高くなります。原子ではありませんが、ベンゼン環を入れることで運動抑制効果はさらに大きくなります。

C-X bonds suppress molecular motion more than C-C bonds, increasing melting temperatures; inserting benzene rings instead of single atoms yields even greater motion-suppressing effects.

図2 鎖状高分子の性能向上法 (出典:佐藤功 (2001) . プラスチック(図解雑学) ナツメ社より作成)図2 鎖状高分子の性能向上法 (出典:佐藤功 (2001) . プラスチック(図解雑学) ナツメ社より作成)

3. Types of engineering plastics

エンプラの中で特に広く使われているものをgeneral-purpose汎用エンプラと言い、five major engineering plastics.主要な5種類は5大エンプラと言われます。
さらに性能を向上させるには主にベンゼン環の力を借りる必要はあります。主鎖のベンゼン環が密度をあげ、特に耐熱性などを向上させたエンプラをスーパーエンプラと言うことがあります。super engineering plastics.

エンプラ、スーパーエンプラの分類・種類や、プラスチックの特徴についてさらに学びたい場合は、CAE解析の基本「第2回 プラスチックCAEのポイント」もご参照ください。Foundations of CAE Analysis, and specifically in Volume 2: Basic Aspects of Plastic CAE.

4. Overview of the five major engineering plastics  

Table 1 presents an overview of the five major engineering plastics.

表1 5大エンプラの特徴比較表1 5大エンプラの特徴比較

The upper three varieties are crystalline resins (see Column 2), listed in order from highest to lowest crystallinity. The lower two varieties are non-crystalline resins. Among all general-purpose engineering plastics, polycarbonate is the only transparent non-crystalline resin. Although modified polyphenylene ether (PPE) is also non-crystalline resin, PPE is rarely used in isolation; instead, it is typically used as a polymer alloy material (Column 3). Pure PPE features high heat resistance, but is difficult to form into complex shapes; alloying with other resins such as polystyrene yields materials that are readily formable while offering a range of desirable properties. 

In what follows, we briefly survey key features of the five major engineering plastics.  

Polyacetal (POM)

Of the five major engineering plastics, polyacetal has the highest crystallinity, ensuring excellent abrasion resistance that makes it an ideal material for gears, axle mounts, and other components required to withstand frequent sliding motion. POM exists in two varieties: homopolymer and copolymer (Column 3). Homopolymer POM has a high melting point and excellent strength and rigidity, while copolymer POM is flexible and offers excellent resistance to heat-induced degradation, chemical resistance, and weather resistance.

Click here for more information on Asahi Kasei's TENAC™ polyacetal resins

Polyamide (PA)

Polyamide (PA) exists in many varieties, of which the two general-purpose engineering plastics most commonly used as structural materials are PA6 and PA66. PA is a crystalline resin in which strong intermolecular forces, derived from the presence of amide groups, ensure excellent mechanical properties and resistance to solvents. Among the most widely used grades of polyamide resins are specialized grades offering particularly high performance in specific areas such as flame retardance or heat resistance, as well as strength-reinforced grades made with glass fibers or other fillers.  
In addition to the general-purpose engineering plastics PA6 and PA66, there exist many specialized varieties of polyamide resins, including PA612 and PA12, which incorporate fewer amide groups to reduce water absorption; PA610 and PA11, which are made from plant-derived ingredients; and PA4T, PA6T, and PA9T, which incorporate benzene rings to increase heat resistance.  

Click here for more information on Asahi Kasei's LEONA™ polyamide resins 

Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT)  

PBT, a crystalline resin whose primary chains contain benzene rings, offers excellent mechanical properties and resistance to solvents. This material also features low water absorption, good dimensional stability, and outstanding electrical properties, and is easily modified to add flame retardance or fiber reinforcement. These characteristics make PBT a widely-used choice of material for automotive and electrical components.  

Polycarbonate (PC)  

Polycarbonate (PC), a non-crystalline resin whose primary chains contain benzene rings, is the only transparent material among the general-purpose engineering plastics. PC is used to make lenses and other optical components, as well as optical storage media such as DVDs. Alloy materials formed by blending PC with ABS feature excellent impact resistance and good formation properties and are used for products such as home-appliance housings.  

Modified polyphenylene ether(m-PPE)  

M-PPE is a non-crystalline resin boasting the lowest specific gravity of all general-purpose engineering plastics, making it a good choice for lightweight components to facilitate product weight reduction. M-PPE features good heat resistance, good resistance to inorganic chemicals, and high dimensional precision; it is also relatively easy to make flame-retardant due to the combustion-resistance of PPE. Although, as noted above, PPE features high heat resistance, its poor moldability properties make pure PPE a difficult material to form into complex shapes. For this reason, PPE is often modified by alloying with polystyrene or other resins to yield easily-formable materials boasting a range of other desirable properties. In recent years, PPE has been blended with an increasingly broad variety of non-polystyrene resins to yield novel materials addressing a diverse spectrum of needs. The term M-PPE, short for "modified PPE," is intended to describe materials made especially easy to use by exploiting polymer alloys.  

Click here for more information on Asahi Kasei's XYRON™ modified polyphenylene ether resins  


5. The environmental impact of engineering plastics 

また、原料のアルコール、カルボン酸、フェノール、アミン、アミドなどは植物成分だったり、植物成分から容易に合成できるものがあり、脱化石資源化しやすい面もあります。single-use plastics例えば、ポリアミド11やポリアミド610の原料であるひまし油は植物由来です。また、ポリアセタールの原料であるホルマリンは植物成分から発酵法で生産できるメタノールを酸化させることにより得ることもできます。

Click here to learn more about The Role of Asahi Kasei Engineering Plastics in Achieving Carbon Neutrality

Column 1: Performance-enhancement strategies for chain-shaped polymers  

プラスチックの強度、耐薬品性、耐熱性などの性能を向上させることは、「分子を動きにくくする」と言い変えても大きな間違いではありません。restricting the motion of molecules例えば、shape deformation変形するということは隣同士の分子の動態位置が変わるということです。「割れる」「融ける」rupturing, melting,「溶ける」dissolvingなどの現象は隣合っている分子同士が離れることです。これらの現象を起きにくくするためには、「分子を動きにくく」suppressing molecular motionすれば良いのです。これにはいくつかの方法がありますが、主なものを表2に列挙しました。

表2 プラスチックを高性能化・多様化する方法表2 プラスチックを高性能化・多様化する方法


表3 分子鎖と耐熱性の例表3 分子鎖と耐熱性の例

The strategy of enlarging side chains to increase rigidity is relatively easy to implement and is thus used to diversify the properties of general-purpose plastics. However, this approach does not affect the structure of primary chains, and thus yields minimal improvement in heat resistance.  

もう一つの「分子間力を高める」にはstrengthening intermolecular forces隣同士の分子が離れにくくする方法で、crystallization規則正しく並べて「結晶化」する方法と分子構造を工夫し、分子間の親和性を高める方法とがあります。

Column 2: Crystallinity  

並びやすい分子構造を持っている高分子だけが結晶を作ります。このような材料から出来たプラスチックを「結晶性プラスチック」と言います。crystalline plastics.一方、結晶を作らないプラスチックは「非晶性プラスチック」と言います。non-crystalline plastics.

図3 高分子の分子間配置図3 高分子の分子間配置

Column 3: Copolymers and polymer alloys  

もう一つのやり方は、別々に作った分子を後で混ぜる方法でポリマーアロイと言います。polymer alloyこれは金属の合金(alloy)にちなんだ呼び方です。

図4 共重合とポリマーアロイ (出典:佐藤功 (2011) . ABCs of plastics プラスチックのいろは 日本工業出版)図4 共重合とポリマーアロイ 
(出典:佐藤功 (2011) . ABCs of plastics プラスチックのいろは 日本工業出版)


(Written by Isao Sato, Isao Sato Technical Office)

Asahi Kasei is dedicated to providing a full-fledged grade lineup of engineering-plastic products—and to exploiting our unique technological expertise to improve product performance. Please contact us to ask any questions, discuss any concerns, and request samples.  

Please contact us to ask any questions, discuss any concerns, and request samples.


Related information

TENAC™ polyacetal resins

TENAC™ has excellent self-lubricating nature, fatigue behavior, and oil resistance. It is used in gears, bearings, automotive interiors and fuel parts.

XYRON™ m-PPE resin

XYRON™ has excellent flame retardancy, electrical properties, dimensional stability, and water resistance. It is used in photovoltaics (PV), batteries, and 5G communication components.

PA樹脂 レオナ™
