Thermo-fluid analysis


Thermo-fluid analysis is an analysis that predicts how heat is transmitted through solids and fluids. It plays an important role in the design of thermal management systems, which are in increasing demand for EV applications.

Fig.1 Thermo-fluid analysisFig.1 Thermo-fluid analysis

The easiest way to check the temperature distribution of a solid is to analyze only the solid and perform a heat transfer analysis. How heat is transferred inside a solid is solved by the heat conduction equation.

In addition, when considering the flow field of a fluid such as air around a solid as a boundary condition, we give the heat transfer equation at the solid wall. If we also consider the radiation from the surface to the outside, we give the radiation formula for the solid surface. In this case, the fluid flow is not solved.


On the other hand, if you want to strictly consider the flow field and temperature distribution of the fluid around the solid, perform thermo-fluid analysis of the fluid part. In thermo-fluid analysis, the laws of conservation of mass and conservation of momentum are used to solve the motion of the fluid, and the laws of conservation of energy are used to solve the transfer of heat in the fluid.

Equations used for thermo-fluid analysisFig. 2 Equations used for thermo-fluid analysis

Case Study

We analyzed how air flows around a hot heat source. As shown in Fig. 3, by solving the flow field using thermo-fluid analysis, it is possible to visualize how air flows from the inlet to the outlet. Also, from the temperature distribution in Fig. 4, you can see how the central heat source is cooled by the surrounding air.

As input conditions, set the inlet air temperature, inlet air flow rate, and heat source wattage. If the desired temperature is not achieved, change these input conditions to find the optimum.

Streamline of air flowFig. 3 Streamline of air flow

Temperature distributionFig. 4 Temperature distribution